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Quality is best checked from outside
Semico is member of the Belgian Association of Professional Congress Organisors.
Semico is member of the International Association of Professional Congress Organisors and subscribes fully its efforts to defend and stimulate the quality label in our industry.
The IAPCO Quality Assurance
  • Semico Group has been a member of IAPCO – the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers since 2002. Our commitment to quality and the high levels of performance which our company achieves is endorsed by our membership. IAPCO is a worldwide sign of quality and one to which our company wholeheartedly subscribes.
  • IAPCO represents professional organisers and managers of international and national congresses, conventions and special events. Currently there are some 110 members in over 40 countries, however there are only 4 in Belgium
  • IAPCO is committed to raising standards of service among its members and other sectors of the meetings industry by means of continuing education and interaction with other professionals. As a result, IAPCO membership offers a unique quality assurance recognised by congress clients and suppliers all over the world.
  • The advantages of working with an IAPCO member, and therefore with Semico Group are:
  • You will work with a Professional Congress Organiser (PCO) who has met with IAPCO’s strict entry qualifications - including reference checks from past clients and industry colleagues - to confirm a high level of professionalism.
  • IAPCO entry qualifications include documented proof of successfully organising a minimum of ten international congresses.
  • IAPCO members’ activities are monitored on an annual basis with members meeting on a regular basis to discuss best practice and to exchange ideas and experiences.
  • IAPCO members have to undertake annual quality assessments and reviews
  • All IAPCO members must respect the IAPCO Code of Conduct. Any breach of this Code is submitted to the Committee of Ethics for investigation.
  • IAPCO membership shares a pool of experience in terms of worldwide destinations, professional competency and technical know-how. The PCO has immediate access to the IAPCO membership network to collect information on preceding congresses and to provide a continuity of quality service.
  • IAPCO members are at the forefront of training in the congress industry through the IAPCO Training Academy. The Academy provides a comprehensive international and regional educational program for senior and middle management involved in managing congresses.
  • Therefore our membership of IAPCO endorses our international standing, our level of quality and our ability to organise events to the highest level.
BAPCO full members fulfil the following criteria
  • The member has as main activity the management of meetings.
  • The member runs its activities under a commercial form.
  • The member takes on the role of coordinator between:
    • Client
    • Suppliers
    • Participants
  • Following the requirements of the client, the PCO's mission includes:
    • General coordination of planning, budgeting, supervision and sponsorship if any.
    • Administrative management incl. registration of delegates and secretariat.
    • Operations: on site organisation.
  • The member 's specific tasks and responsibilities are determined with the client prior to the start of the mission.
  • Remuneration of the PCO is the object of an agreement with the client prior to the start of the mission. Ideally this will be a fixed amount or a fee per capita or a combination of both.
  • Financial management of the event is held in a transparent and "wise" way.
  • Any amount collected in name of the event and/or the client (registration fees, sponsorships) is done on a specific account with a separate accountancy being held. Copy of the accountancy of the project and bank statements are given to the client on request.
  • The member always acts in a respectful and loyal manner in its relation with other members and refrains from any unfair competition.
  • At the request of a client, the member accepts to submit any conflict which might arise in the management of a meeting to the arbitration of the the association.
  • The member commits itself to communicate the complete charter when submitting a tender or offer to a client.
    All present BAPCO members have committed themselves to these 11 points by signing this charter. New members will be invited to do the same.
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