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Our Team

We are:
People who are respectful and form a dedicated team…
People with energy, enthusiasm and passion for what we do…
People who like to build Bridges between people…

Lieve Ectors
In a previous life, an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, Lieve knows, from first hand experience, how important congresses can be for a scientists’ career. Her passion is to construct with the organizer that perfect balanced programme, find that illusive Keynote speaker and locate that last minute replacement speaker that made it all come together. Lieve has a long experience in speaker management, financial management of international congresses and is a champion in accommodating the medical industry needs within the restricted framework of a congress programme.

As Partner, CEO and Financial Director of the Semico Group she continuous to be the unstoppable driving force behind our talented team. Since the 1993 she is the guardian of the quality of Semico services of our continuous drive for excellence.

Luc Niville
After medical school and scientific research, Luc is one of the founding partners of the Semico Group. Preferring a ‘no-nonsense’ approach towards the “Art of Organizing”: Listen, Create, Make it happen.

Leading a multidisciplinary team of experts offering a tailor-made pallet of solutions to our clients. Implementing technology in the meeting industry is one of his passions, although down to earth logistical challenges still make his heart beat faster. After 20 years in the business, this Partner and Executive Director is in charge of the overall management and development of the Semico Group.

Since 2012 he serves as president of the Belgian Association of Professional Congress Organizers (BAPCO) and has a seat on the board of EFAPCO.

Sarah De Baets
Junior Project Manager
Sandra Demeester
Junior Project Manager
Nancy Roelens
Senior Project manager
Marie-France Werbrouck
Graphic design and communication
Alexander Dewilde
Websdesign, programming & IT-services
Peter Gifford
Audio-visual manager, speakers support
Ben Spruyt
Assistant audio-visual manager
Ilse Carnel
Congress administration, invoicing & Accountancy
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